05 Cemetaries & Tombstones |
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Barber Plot, IL |
Beardstown, IL |
Belfry, MT |
Carmel, IN |
Java Village, NY |
La Plata, MO |
Marengo, IL |
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West Dundee, IL |
Tombstones |
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List of Tombstones |
Abbie Lee McClurg (Sinnock) |
Adeline M Northrup (Ives) |
Addie Barber |
Albert Simon 'Slim' Weimer |
Alice Alma Sinnock (Thompson) |
Alice E Link (Sinnock) |
Alice Grant (Hill) |
Almira Hackley Bartholomew (Owen) |
Almon Potter |
Alzina Barber (Whitney) |
Amanda Barber (Sheldon) |
Amarica Ann Burton (Owen) |
Amory Barber |
Amy E Smedley Sinnock |
Andrew Jackson Flory IV |
Ann Tandy Mason (Kay) |
Archibald Kavanaugh Letton |
Archie A Milsap |
Aro Ives |
Arthur Howard Hill (rubbing) |
Barbara Shirley Freeman (Sinnock) |
Benajah D Mallory |
Benjamin Barber |
Benjamin Rush Bartholomew (rubbing) |
Bernice Mae Sinnock (Lakvold) |
Bertha A Dodson (Sinnock) |
Betsey Conant (Barber, Potter) |
Beulah Mae Black (Sinnock) |
Beulah May Phillips (Daugherty) |
Birdie Agee Dolores Sinnock (Milsap) |
Burton Summers Letton |
Burton Summers Letton Sinnock |
Caleb Mayo Pomeroy |
Carrie Edith Sinnock |
Carrie Elizabath Cartwright (Pallett) |
Celestia R Barber (infant) |
Charles Augustus Sinnock |
Charles Benjamin Rosenbury |
Charles Burton Baker Sinnock |
Charles W Ingersoll |
Charles W Sinnock |
Charles William Kay |
Charles Thomas Sinnock |
Charles Travis Hewes |
Charles Wesley Sinnock (MT) |
Charles Wesley Sinnock (NM) |
Chester Paul Sinnock |
Corrine Mae Hammons (Sinnock) |
David Hamlin Burrell |
David Hill (rubbing) |
Deborah Eddy (Potter) |
Della May Sinnock (Daugherty) |
Donald Joseph Sinnock |
Doris Ellen O'Neil (Dohrmann) |
Douglas Frederick Sinnock |
Dwight Ives Sinnock |
Edith Carolyn Feith (Sinnock) |
Edith Katherine Liebig (Sinnock) |
Edmund Potter |
Edward David Shurtleff |
Edward P Sinnock |
Edward William 'Ted' Sinnock |
Elise Henry Obear (O'Neil) |
Eliza Carroll (Barber) |
Eliza Streeter (Sinnock) |
Eliza Underwood Henry (Obear) |
Elizabeth M Mongomery (Sinnock) |
Elizabeth Sisson (Shurtleff) |
Elizabeth Weed Sinnock (Zimmerman) |
Ellen Oberdorfer (infant) |
Emma Sarah Allan (Sinnock) |
Emily M Streeter (Snow) |
Emma Hall Ringer (Myers) |
Emory Barber |
Esther S Sayers (Sinnock) |
Evalyn A Hone (Cottey) |
Ferdinand Desoto Mason |
Florence Howarth (Sinnock) |
Florence D Sinnock (George) |
Frances Maurice Obear (Sinnock) |
Frances Pomeroy Nichols (Sinnock) |
Frank Brown Sinnock |
Frank P Thompson |
Fred James Howarth |
Gabriel Kay |
George Eugene Sinnock |
George Feith |
George F Sinnock |
George Ives Sinnock |
George Peter Sinnock |
George Sinnock |
George Sinnock |
George Sinnock |
George Thomas Sinnock |
George William Hill |
George William Sinnock |
Gilbert Ray Daughtery |
Harriett Scarborough (Kay) |
Harry Eugene Sinnock |
Hattie J Callaway (Sinnock) |
Helen Ethellyn Jenkins (Sinnock) |
Helen I Sinnock (Morgan et al) |
Henry Alexander 'Harry' Sinnock |
Henry E Sinnock |
Henry Washington Alexander |
Hildegarde Germann (Sinnock) |
Hubert Henry Sinnock |
Humphrey Barber (rubbing) |
Humphrey Barber (infant) |
James Marion Sinnock |
James Price Sinnock |
James R Barber |
James Roscoe Daugherty |
James W Ingersoll |
James Walter Milsap |
James Wesley Sinnock |
James William Sinnock |
James William Sinnock |
James William Sinnock |
James William Sinnock |
James William Sinnock |
Jamie Marie Henry (Sinnock) |
Jane Granger Teneyck (Dougherty) |
Jane O'Neil Wallis (Burrell) |
Jane Sinnock (infant) |
Janet Nita Kimble (Sinnock) |
Jean 'Jennie' Peart (Sinnock) |
Jennie Pomeroy Ladd (Alexander) |
Jesse Elwood Sinnock |
Jessie Lee Sinnock |
Jessie Maud Clement (Mason) |
John Barber Hill |
John C Owen |
John Coggeshall |
John M Lakvold |
Joseph Nelson Sinnock |
John Robert Sinnock |
John S Feith |
Joseph Barber |
Joseph Barber |
Joseph Barber |
Joseph Eugene Barber |
Josiah Obear |
Jotham Streeter |
Judith Margaret Spowers (Sinnock) |
Katherine Lucinda Barber (Ingersoll) |
Katrine Elizabeth Beer (Carter) |
Kay Sinnock |
Kayla Star Sinnock (infant) |
Kendrick Liebig Sinnock |
Laura Nicholson (Mallory) |
Lenis Margaret Smith (Sinnock) |
Lenora Epping (Feith) |
Lester Barber (rubbing) |
Lester Barber Mallory (infant) (rubbing) |
Lewis Christopher Myers |
Lou Ethel Wilson (Rosenbury) |
Lucinda 'Cinda' Barber (Mallory) (rubbing) |
Lucius W Barber (rubbing) |
Lydia K Wharton (Sinnock) |
Madeline Goff (Sinnock) |
Margaret 'Maggie' Grant (Hill) (rubbing) |
Martha Ann Cleck (Sinnock) |
Martha E 'Mattie' Sinnock (Clement) |
Martha E Wernham (Ingersoll) |
Martha Mariah Kay (Sinnock) |
Mary A Whitney (infant) (rubbing) |
Mary Amelia Maurice (Obear) |
Mary Ann Knowlton (Bartholomew) (rubbing) |
Mary Ann Sinnock |
Mary Burton Wallis (Combs) |
Mary Elizabeth Hamilton (Sinnock) |
Mary Louise Sinnock (McLaughlin) |
Mary Margaret Hill (Sinnock) (rubbing) |
Mary Rebecca Baker (Sinnock) |
Mary Charles Sinnock (Weaver) |
Mary Etta Sinnock (Hewes) |
Mary Kavanaugh Letton (Sinnock) |
Mary Lindfield (Sinnock) (rubbing) |
Mary M Mallory |
Mary Maria Barber (Dougherty) |
Mary Marilla Bartholomew (Barber) (rubbing) |
Maurice Edward Shurtleff |
Maurice Obear |
Melcena Turner (Sinnock) |
Mernilva 'Nivvie' Barber (Mallory) (rubbing) |
Milton Wilbur Sinnock |
Nancy Simson (Pomeroy) |
Nora Belle Myers (Sinnock, Abbett) |
Norton Obear |
Olive Whipple (Streeter) |
Oscar Merideth Kay |
Palmer Whitney |
Paul Francis Sinnock |
Paul Thomas Daugherty |
Pauline J 'Lina' Milner (Sinnock) |
Permelia M Kavanaugh (Letton) |
Philana Barber (Burnham) |
Pomeroy Sinnock Jr (rubbing) |
Rachel ? (Hill) |
Ralph Northrup Sinnock |
Ray George |
Raymond Barnard Sinnock |
Rebecca A ? (Kay) |
Reuben D Letton |
Reuben Pike Letton |
Rex Earle Price Sinnock |
Robert James Sinnock |
Robert Milton Abbett |
Rose ? (Barber) |
Roy E Feith |
Ruby Marie Sinnock (Weimer) |
Ruby Opal Six (Sinnock) |
Ruth Haddock Schiemann (Sinnock) |
Ruth Lenora Oliver (Sinnock) |
Ruth Smalley Barber (Hill) (rubbing) |
Samuel Drew Pallett |
Samuel Sinnock (rubbing) |
Samuel Sinnock Jr |
Sara Elisabeth Wallis (Nagy) |
Sarah Ann Kay (Sinnock) |
Sarah Elizabeth Lauderdale (Letton) |
Sarah Frances Andrews (Maurice) |
Sarah Ives (Sinnock) |
Sinnock Plot, Belfy, MT |
Sinnock Plot, La Plata, MO |
Sinnock Plot, Newark, MO |
Sinnock Plot, New Hudson, MI |
Sinnock Plot, Quincy 1, IL |
Sinnock Plot 2, Quincy, IL |
Susan Mayo Ladd |
Susannah Hopper (Sinnock) |
Susie Sinnock (infant) |
Thomas Burnham |
Thomas Sinnock |
Thomas Slaughter Obear |
Truman Streeter |
Victor C Barnett |
Virginia C Koch (Sinnock) |
Virginia May "Ginny' Waller (Hill) |
Volney Owen |
Walter Buckland Sinnock |
Warren Stephen Phillip Combs |
William A Sheldon |
William Clark Clement |
William Dougherty |
William Ernest Cottey |
William Franklin Obear |
William F Dohrmann |
William Henry Maurice |
William Henry Sinnock |
William Hill |
William Paul 'Bill' Owen |
William Snow |
William Teneyck Dougherty |
Winsor Potter |
Other Images - many otherwise not shown on this site Sources: personal family members, Google.com-images, Wikipedia.com |
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Family Castles |
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Art and Ruth Hill, Dundee, IL (1916) |
David and Maggie Hill, Dundee, IL (1965) |
Hildegarde Sinnock, Quincy, IL (Office) |
James Wm Sinnock and Fannie Nichols, Quincy, IL |
Kathy Sinnock and Danny Paul, Kalispell, MT |
Lester Barber and Mary Bartholomew, Coral Corners, IL |
Lester Barber and Mary Bartholomew, Margengo, IL |
Julia Sinnock and Dixon Oberdorger, New Castle, IN, c. 1948 |
Pomeroy Family, Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devonshire c. 2000 |
Pomeroy Family, Berry Pomeroy Castle Ruins c. 1860 |
Pomeroy Family, Berry Pomeroy Castle, Artist's Reconstruction |
Pomeroy Family, the Castle's, 'White Lady' Ghost |
Pomeroy Family, Rougemont Castle, Exeter, Devonshire |
Pomeroy Family (?), Pommeraye (Ruins), Normandy |
Pomeroy Sinnock and Mary Hill, Mt. Summit, IN, bought 1948 |
Pomeroy Sinnock and Mary Hill, Mt. Summit, IN, sold 1983 |
Pomeroy Sinnock and Mary Hill, New Castle, IN, 1983 |
Robert Sinnock and Carol Anderson, Mountian View, CA, c. 1980 |
Robert Kay and Cynthia Burrus, Payson, IL, c. 1870 |
Roger I de Montgomerie, Arunde Castle, Normandy |
Roger V de Tosny, Hertfordshire, England |
Sallie 'Granny' White, Spring Mill State Park, IN |
William F. Obear and Eliza Henry, Blythe, CA, c. 1890 |
William the Conqueror, Falaise, Normandy |
William the Conqueror, Falaise Gate |
Family Towns and Churches |
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Arlington, Sussex Church |
Battle, Sussex Abbey (near Sedlescombe, Sussex) |
Brighton, Sussex Pier |
Brighton, Sussex Royal Pavilion |
Bristol, Gloucester Cathedral |
Canterbury, Kent Cathedral |
Dover, Kent Chalk Cliffs |
Eastbourne, Sussex, Beachy Head Chalk Cliffs |
Eastbourne, Sussex, St. Mary's Church |
Eastbourne, Sussex, Summer Day along the Coast |
Hailsham, Sussex, High Street c. 1900 |
Hailsham, Sussex, St. Mary's Church |
Hastings, Sussex, Misty Morning, 1856 |
Hastings, Sussex, Sinnock Square |
Hastings, Sussex, Sinnock Square Twitten |
Hastings, Sussex, Sinnock Square Cottage |
Hastings, Sussex, Sinnock Square Entry |
London, c. 1600 |
London, commute c. 1870 |
London, St. George the Martyr c. 1830 |
Margate, Kent Pier c. 1850 |
Margate, Kent nearby coast c. 1870 |
Quincy, IL, c. 1900 |
Sedlescombe Village, Sussex, c. 1900 |
Weobley, Hereford, c. 2000 |
Wingham, Kent, High Street c. 1900 |
Artworks by Family Member or of them or of their Towns |
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'Adam and Eve', oil on wood panel by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1528 |
Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (Cover), c. 950 AD |
Anglo-Saxon (Sussex) Map, after the fall of Rome about 500 AD |
Human Brain (what it's all about, really) |
'Brighton Beach' oil on paper over canvas by John Constable, 1825 |
Cazenovia, New York, pencil sketch by unknown, probably a Barber, about 1830 |
Christmas Card, photoshopped by Scott Sinnock, 2014 |
Daniel Boone, oil on wood by Chester Harding, 1820, relative of Hattie Callaway |
Descent of Mohammed and Jesus from Adam (Salasila Nabi/Rasul) |
Early Briton links to Roman Emperors and Biblical Partiarchs |
Queen Elizabeth II's links through Troy to Biblical Patriarchs |
Eastbourne St. Mary's Church, pencil by unknown artist and date |
Hailsham St. Mary's Church, watercolor by unknown artist and date |
James William Sinnock, pencil drawing of hummingbird feeding at a rose |
Jeffery Thomas Sinnock, example photograph 1 |
Jeffery Thomas Sinnock, example photograph 2 |
Jeffery Thomas Sinnock, example photograph 3 |
John Ray Sinnock, Roosevelt Dime design |
John Ray Sinnock, Franklin Half Dollar design |
John Ray Sinnock, Purple Heart Medal design |
John Ray Sinnock, Roosevelt Presidential Medal design |
London, St. George the Martyr, oil on canvas by unknown artist and date |
Margate, Kent Coast, watercolor by unknown artist and date |
Margate, Kent Pier by unknown artist and date |
'Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor' oil on canvas by William Halsall, 1882 |
'Mayflower Compact Signing 1620' oil on canvas by Jean LG Ferris, 1899 |
'Misty Morning, Old Hastings' oil on canvas by Walter Heath Williams, c. 1856 |
'Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms' by Sir Isaac Newton-Cover, 1728 (p.) |
Pomeroy Castle, Berry Pomeroy, Devonshire, pencil by unknown artist and date |
Pomeroy Castle, reconstruction by unknown artist and date |
Pomeroy Castle, pencil and watercolor on oatmeal paper by Thomas Girtin, 1797 |
Pomeroy Castle, oil on canvas by unknown artist and date |
Prose Edda-Cover by Snorri Sturlson, c. 1200, Norse history, legends, and myths |
Roberta Sinnock Kaegi, art example |
Roberta Sinnock Kaegi, cover of book for which she did drawings |
Roger Williams, pencil by unknown artist and date |
Rollo the Viking, statue in Falaise, Normandy town square |
Sons of the American Revolution Seal |
Sevenoaks Business Card of Duncan L. Sinnock, 1994 |
Sevenoaks Coat-of-Arms, in Burke's Peerage, 1826 (William Sevenoak) |
Sevenoaks Coat-of-Arms, rendition by John Ray Sinnock, c. 1945 |
Sevenoaks Garden at home of Robert Oliver Sinnock, Colfax, CA c. 1990 |
Sevenoaks School Plaque, Sevenoaks, Kent |
Sevenoaks School Seal, Sevenoaks, Kent |
Sinnock Name - Barcode (source unknown) |
Sinnock Name - American Sign Language (source unknown) |
'View near Wingham' oil on canvas by Pat Castle (for £1500 in 2014) |
Other Castles (Just for Fun) |
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Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire |
Brough Castle, Cumbria |
Cardiff Castle, Wales |
Clifford Castle, Herefordshire |
Corfe Castle, Dorset County |
Eglinton Castle, Scotland |
Enmore Castle, Somerset County |
Gidleigh Castle, Devonshire |
Hedingham Castle, Essex County |
Hedingham Castle, Great Room |
Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire |
Knole House, Sevenoaks, Kent |
Ludlow Castle, Shropshire |
Neufmarche Chateau, Normandy |
Notre Dame Catheral, Paris |
Notre Dame Catheral, North Rose |
Pommeraye Chateau, Normandy |
Pommeraye Castle, Normandy |
Pontefract Castle, West Yorkshire |
Raglan Castle, Wales |
Tonbridge Castle, Kent |
Warwick Castle, Warwickshire |
Wilton Castle, Wexford, Ireland |
Weoley Castle, West Midlands |
Royals - Vikings - Romans - Gods All appear somewhere on JW - no. of gens from James Wm Sinnock or wife Fannie Nichols by 1 of several possible descent routes |
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JW's |
Adam and Eve |
100th |
Aeneas b. 1220 BC - Prince of Troy who escaped the destruction, Virgil's Founder of Rome |
68th |
Albert 'the Great', first King to unite Britain |
88th |
Ananke - primordial Greek goddess of Necessity (cause & effect) |
88th |
Aphrodite - Olympian Goddess, mother of Aeneas |
69th |
Bertrade 'the Old' de Prum b. 670 - Merovingian Princess |
33rd |
Charlemagne - eponym of the Carolingian Dynasty |
30th |
Charles Martel 'the Hammer' b. 676 - Mayor of the Palace fealty to Merovingian King |
31st |
Chronos - primordial Greek god of Time (Ananke's consort) |
88th |
Claudius I b. 10 BC - Roman Emperor, "conqueror" of Britain |
51st |
Chlothar II b. 584 - Merovingian King |
36th |
Clotilda de Burgundy b. 475 - Merovingian Queen, Clovis' wife |
38th |
Constantine 'the Great' b. 272 - Roman Emperor converted to Christianity |
46th |
Dôn(Anna) verch Mathonwy b. 150 BC, w. of Beli 'Mawr' (mythical Queen of Britons) |
53rd |
Emperor Gao b. 247 BC - Chinese Han Dynasty |
62nd |
Emperor Wu b. 156 BC - Chinese Han Dynasty |
59th |
Ermentrude d' Orleans, b. 830, Carolingian Empress |
28th |
Ermesinde de Carcassonne b. 972, Catalonian Princess |
29th |
Fates - weaving the fabric of our lives (and everything else), d.s of Ananke and Chronos |
1000th |
Faunus - Roman Forest God, father of Latinus, father-in-law of Aeneas |
70th |
Godiva of Coventry b. 980 - Queen of Mercia |
24th |
Henry I 'Beauclerc' b. 1068 - Norman King, Henry Pomeroy's f.-in-law |
20th |
Henry I 'the Fowler' b. 876 - King of the East Franks |
22nd |
Louis VI 'the Fat' b. 1081 - Capetian King of France |
25th |
Mark Antony b. 83 BC - allied w/ Cleopatra defeated by Octavius (Augusus Ceasar) |
53rd |
Matilda de Flanders b. 1031 - Norman Queen, William the Conqueror's wife |
21st |
Merovech b. 415 - King of the Franks, eponym of the "Merovingian" dynasty |
40th |
Premysl de Bohemia b. 694 - from current Czech Republic |
37th |
Priam b.1250 BC-KingofTroy, ancestor in Norse,Briton,German,andRoman traditions |
69th |
Robert de Mortaigne b. 1031 - Norman Knight, 'proven companion' of Wm the Conqueror |
21st |
Roger de Montgomerie b.1022-Norman Knight, 'proven companion' of Wm the Conqueror |
45th |
Rollo the Viking b. 846 - ceded Normandy by Charles III, King of France to stop his raids |
29th |
Romulus b. 771 BC - son of Greek god Ares & Rhea Silva, 12th ggdau. of Aeneas |
45th |
Rotrude d'Alemania b. 690 - wife of Charles Martel, grandmother of Charlemagne |
45th |
Simon I de Montfort b. 1025 - Norman Prince |
21st |
Sybella de Corbet b. 1077 - concubine of Henry I 'Beauclerc, mother of Rohesia Pomeroy |
20th |
Theodoric 'the Great' b. 454 - King of the Ostragoths, gson-in-law of Merovech |
45th |
Thierry III b. 653 - King of Burgundy, father of Bertrade 'the Old' |
33rd |
Walter de Merton b. 1205 - Bishop of Rochester, Kent |
18th |
William the Conqueror b. 1027 - Norman King of England after Battle of Hastings |
21st |
Woden b. 215 - Chief of Asgard, some say he is Odin, the Norse god |
45th |
Zeus - Olympian 'top dog', father of Aphrodite and Ares (father of Romulus) |
45th |