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George Sinnock


Abt. 1770, England


TO: Martha Stredwick
04 May 1791, Hellingly, East Sussex


23 Feb 1796, Hellingly, East Sussex

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with descendant list

NOTE:  George and Martha are the first Sinnocks to show up in the Hellingly parish, marrying there in 1791. I assume George baptized to John Sinnock and Mary Roads in Hailsham on 15 Feb 1780 is the same as George, age 35 who married Martha Stredwick in nearby Hellingly. George and Martha the progenitors of the 117 known descendants, including most of the Hellingly Sinnocks. Besides rarity of the last name and proximity, the ages don't seem to match unless George was baptized when he was about 20 years old, certainly possible, but not noted in the parish register entry of his baptism. For these reasons, or perhaps excuses, I assume George, son of John and Mary, and his wife Martha started the Hellingly Sinnock clan. George is father of George, James, and John, who died as an 5 month old infant; one month later George died, probably of the same plague, used generally. George and Martha descendants (above) also show many young deaths (red names) or nearly coincident parents' deaths. This family apparently was hit very hard by disease. George is 2nd great grandfather of Ernest George Sinnock who migrated with his parents from Sussex to Louisville, KY in 1871; he is also 2nd great grandson of Elias Sinnock and Margery Frankwell, the closest (if you can call it that) common ancestors of the Louisville and Quincy branches of Sinnocks.

Elias & Margery