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Hildegarde Catherine Germann


03 Dec 1893, Quincy, IL


TO: Frank Brown Sinnock
01 Nov 1924, Quincy, IL


07 Jan 1985, Quincy, IL (at home)

Photo Source: Passport application

NOTE:  Hildegarde's mother Melinda Knapheide Germann was a pioneer for women's rights: a doctor on the frontier beginning in 1888. Hildegarde followed in her footsteps and had a long successful pratice in Quincy with her brother, Aldo with which she shared an office in Quincy (see office below), She and Frank were parents of Henry Germann and Frank Aldo Sinnock

Hildegarde and brother Aldo's shared doctors office

Melinda Germann and her children
Hildegarde and Aldo, all 3 MD's

Album 120 JW & Fannie Tombstone