The Sinnock Family
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Site Introduction

This web site is dedicated to the history and current status of the Sinnock Family. It is but a modern update to the similar history written by Thomas Sinnock in about 1910. First off, I want to thank the many family members who have provided information for this site, including those kind enough to share letters, both old and new (see Menu 06). When people learn I am interested in genealogy, I am often asked, "But what about the 'people'? their loves? their stuggles? their lives?' ". This site attempts to provide a partial answer, a personal look at selected family members. For most people all that remains are cold facts: birth, baptism, marriage, death dates, addresses, occupations, names of family members, --- just numbers and letters, no personalities. Many genealogical facts are publically available such as parish, census and other civil records. These records, easily available elsewhere, are not reproduced here, though many, if not all my interpretations depend heavily on such records. More personal family letters, photographs, extracted signatures, etc. are the real treasures of our family's history, but not so easily accessible. These more personal items provide a look past the 'facts' and provide hints of 'personality'. A major purpose of this site is to make these more personal records available to other family historians and anyone else who may be interested. I am a scientist by training, and making available the source material is a major tenet of any study. So here are some of my data and their artistic interpretations to give somewhat of an answer to the question, 'Who were they?' The full set of data is contained in the databases mentioned below (Menu 10). I thank the many family members who have provided information for this site, including those kind enough to share letters, both old and new (Menu 06). These letters as well as all my other original sources were donated as 8 feet of shelf space of 4-inch thick, three-ring binders in October, 2015 to the Great River Genealogical Society, Quincy Public Library, Quincy, Illinois. Happy hunting. Drop me an email ( I would love to hear from you. Find a mistake or broken link? Have a photo or story to add? Please let me know. Additions and corrections are welcome. I plan to be around a few more years at least.

At this point I feel I must turn the discussion over to another amateur but avid genealogist, Gail Johnson, who I have never met nor exchanged information with, but who expressed ideas appropriate here far better than I am able.

Welcome, to my Family Webpage! I am not a professional genealogist and make no pretense at being anything other than a zealous amateur, as time permits. Over the years I have collected information on many families, some of the families on these pages have only a remote connection to my main lines. These pages contain not only my own research but information generously shared by many other genealogist's, both amateur and professional. I would like to thank each and every one of them for their contributions. My direct lines are primarily a result of my own research and most I have verified. Many collateral lines are included in my database. The data was obtained from many researchers, investigating their own lines. I have compiled this data, but in most instances I have not verified it myself. I have also included some transcribed documents, which I hope they will prove useful to some of you! Unfortunately, there are bound to be mistakes, both in the transcriptions and sometimes the actual data. Every effort has been made to make sure the data is presented as accurately as possible. And I welcome additions, corrections and critiques. Please use my data as a starting point, Where I have sources I will gladly share. But Please Remember! Verify for yourself!!      from

Thank you, Gail, I can't improve on that. Happy Hunting!
October 15, 2017

This site is organized as a series of numbered menus

  • 00 Index of All Individuals
  • 01 Family Albums
  • 02 Personal Photographs
  • 03 Descendant Trees
  • 04 Ancestor Diagrams
  • 05 Tombstones and Cemetery Maps
  • 06 Letters
  • 07 Signatures
  • 08 Birth, Marriage or Death Certificates
  • 09 Migration Maps
  • 10 Databases
  • 11 Summaries
  • 12 Downloadable Files


Menus 00 thru 09 interlink data for named family members. Menu 00, an Index, provides links to all data types associated with individual family members. Menu 01, Family Albums, gathers information about related families together for 'family similarity' comparisons. Menus 02 thru 09 represent 'data' about individuals. Menu 02, Photos, shows family members for whom personal photographs or other images are publically available, many from Facebook postings. Menu 02 pages provide the most complete descriptions of family members of any menus. These pages include potentially sensitive birth dates, marriage dates, and signatures. To accomodate living people's wishes a 'withdrawl of information' email link is included for living people (please specify your relation to the person and the reason for your request). Menu 03, Descendant Trees and Menu 04, Ancestor Diagrams link to trees and charts associated with couples (descendants) or individuals (ancestors). They include color-coded links connecting individuals on the figures to one of their other data pages, usually their photo image (menu 02 -- or to their first data item (menu icon) shown in the index). Menu 05, Tombstones and Cemeteries, shows tombstone images of family members, often accompanied by a map of the cemetery. Menu 06, Letters, links to images of letters exchanged among family members, some as old as 1838 (but many written to me in 1994 to 1996 in response to a form letter I sent to many Sinnocks 1994; these responses addicted me to this project). Letters and emails from and telephone conversations with family members provided much information shown in this web site. I thank everyone who responded for their invaluable help in making this site possible. Menu 07, Signatures shows extracted family signatures, a few from letters but more from marriage and military draft records. Menu 08, BMD Certificates, links to images of birth, marriage, and death (BMD) certificates for a few family members. Though publically available they also cost dearly, so those accessible are reproduced (thanks Leslie and Mark). Menu 09, Migration Maps shows diagrams of Sinnock families who moved from one state (county in UK) to another. This menu repeats links in Menu 11 to layered diagrams 'animating' births and migrations of Sinnocks in the UK and US.


Menus 10 through 12 provide summaries of family information and are not themselves interlinked. Menu 10, Databases, provides links to online databases of the Sinnock family as well as the option to download more complete versions. These databases, especially the Sinnocks and Kin database, contain all data reproduced on this web site and much more. They are the final source for all interpretations in this web site and in the databases themselves. Menu 11, Summaries, displays covers of six summary reports and large icons of three summary diagrams; just click to open PDF files of the documents or diagrams. For documents, I recommend 'The Sinnock Family History'; the other five are more for historical documentation. I am especially proud of the three summary diagrams. They include layered birth and migration maps for the UK and US mentioned above under Menu 09 and an ancestor diagram linking my daughter, Heather, to Adam and Eve and even to Zeus. Based on cited sources, a name is associated with every ancestor along the several paths of descent between them. Often the 'sources' are but myths and legends; but someone, somewhere, sometime has traced every link shown in the diagram. All information for this diagram is from the 'Sinnocks, Royals, Vikings, Romans, and Gods' database (Menu 10). By the way, Adam and Eve are about our 100th great grandparents. 100 generations is a nice even number; maybe it's time to look back and ask God, 'How are we doin'?' Menu 12, Downloads, pulls together in one place all downloadable images, diagrams, summaries, support documents, etc. You can view or download one or many files to your device's 'download' folder. Of course you may also download or copy any image from any page on this site without attribution, but Menu 12 pulls all files together and augments them with coats-of-arms, personal images and castles of individual ancestors in the i>'Sinnocks, Royals, Vikings, Romans, and Gods' as well as source files, if available, in Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Word. Included here are files collected or made over the last 20 or so years. Photos, letters, BMD certificates were digitized; tombstones were photographed; cemetary and migration maps, descendant trees, and ancestor diagrams were drawn in Adobe Illustrator; signatures were extracted in Adobe Photoshop; documents were written in MS Word; images and documents were converted to consistent *.jpg and *.pdf formats; and finally this site was constructed with Adobe Dreamweaver (for more information about computer files and formats used on this site see Computer Files.


Several ways are provided to navigate this site. I hope you enjoy it; I very much enjoyed creating it.

  • Blue words or numbers almost always signify links, just click
  • Along the top edge of the page is a beige menu bar with blue numbers 01 to 12; click for direct link to each numbered menu
  • The 'Main' entry on the menu bar links to the 'Main' menu with a list of names to go with the numbers, in case you forget
  • The green 'Index' button below the title links to the index, which also has abbreviated menu titles
  • Blue arrows at the ends of the menu bar cycle through the menu items, providing an interesting way to scan family diversity
  • Of course, the interlinked menu pages themselves provide endless opportunity for exploring family relations on this site; just click names and icons
  • Many pages are complexly interlinked; a reminder is often included to use your browser's back arrow before you get lost, as I the site's author often do
