Sinnocks and Kin – People
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Photo Sources: Personal Photos


Heather Sinnock


03 Aug 1984, Albuquerque, NM


TO: Ricardo Aguirre
Abt. 2011, Chicago, IL (not married)


(LIVING, 2016)

to remove photo and information, email

Photo Source: Heather's Facebook page, 2015

NOTE:  Heather, is Susie's and my adopted daughter. Heather, Hazel's mother, is the "home person" of the accompanying 150 generations Ahnentafel Report and associated diagram. She is also the most common relative of all 10,000 or more people in the databases. Hello, Heather).

             Does Heather look like her daughter, or what?
Heather (ages 13 and 5) daughter Hazel (age 6)
from Heather's Facebook page
Album 121
Sinnock Obear Carter Susie's daughter