Sinnock Family: Main Menu
This Main
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Menu Bar linking to numbered menus is included on most pages

For links throughout the site, click    Blue Items      Tan Menu Items   and/or   Icons    as often indicated

Site Introduction        The Sinnock Name        Why We Are (All) Related

Sub Menus
Interlinked Menus
Menu Pages
00 Main Menu 416The Index lists alphabetically by both first and last names all people listed in any of the 'data' menus 02 - 09. Clicking icons to the right of a name link to pages for individuals represented by the icon shown in the menu bar. Clicking a name usually links to the page represented by the first icon to the right. The Index is a summary of all pages available on this site.
01 Family Albums 14Family Albums collect photos and other items for single families together in one place. Click any item to link to the appropriate person's page. Albums are organized by number:

100 - Quincy Sinnocks, 10 album hierarchy
200 - Louisville Sinnocks
300 - California and Connecticut Sinnocks
400 - Canadian Sinnocks
500 - English Sinnocks

All items shown in albums are available also from another 'data' menu (02 - 09). Albums are probably better classified as 'Summaries' (menus 10 - 12), but at this late date, I am loathe to change all the web-site labels in the HTML code as done once before.
02 Index of People 283The People menu lists individuals or couples for whom 'personal' pages have been developed. Personal pages include full name, birth, marriage, and death information, as available, at least one image, a text section, and links to other pages, as appropriate. For the images, personal pages often include individual and/or hometown photos. Other images include descendant trees (menu 03), ancestors diagrams (menu 04) and migration maps (menu 09) with links to the appropriate pages.

Excluded from this menu are pages of people for whom only tombstone images, letters, signatures, and/or BMD certificates are available (menus 05 - 08). These excluded menu pages provide less information about individuals.
03 Descendant Trees 29Descendant Trees show in traditional symbolic tree format about 4 or 5 generations of descendants of the focus couple in the branches and up to 4 generations of his, usually, Sinnock ancestors forming the solid trunks. The focus couples were selected for their broad reach across the family. Trees are interlinked to other pages, usually by color-coding -- personal pages (red), tombstones, letters, signatures, and BMD certificates (green). The trees also link sprouting acorns and fallen autumn oak leaves to the trees of, respectively, descendants and ancestors. Fallen autumn leaves represent the couple from which his (usually) acorn fell. (I use an 'oak tree' metaphor given that Sinnock family legends from around the world claim the family name derives from 'Sevenoaks'). The focus couple is listed also in the 02 People menu.

Trees were constructed with Adobe Illustrator and saved in Illustrator editable PDF format available for download from this menu. The PDFs served as sources for the JPGs using Adobe Acrobat. (Barely believably, Illustator has no option to 'Save As' JPG's)
04 Ancestor Diagrams 12Ancestor Diagrams show in condensed format selected ancestors of individuals or couples chosen for their broad reach across the family or their particularly interesting ancestors. Diagrams are linked to personal pages of ancestors shown in blue. The focus person or couple is listed also in the 02 People menu. Diagrams were constructed with Adobe Illustrator and saved in Illustrator editable PDF format available for download from this menu. The PDFs served as sources for the JPGs using Adobe Acrobat.
05 Tombstones 183The Tombstone menu lists individuals with tombstone images, all JPGs. Pages are often linked to cemetery maps showing general locations of the markers. For many people there are links to the person's other page(s). Source are included with images, either personal photos or copies from the internet, mostly
06 Family Letters 73Letters were scanned and reproduced in JPG format. The menu includes all letters I have with relevant family information. Many were sent in response to my inquiry letters of 1994 but include letters from other family members as well, some sent as early as 1838 and as recently as 2011. These letters provide the real gems of this site, the original data that tie the family together.
07 Signatures 124Signatures were extracted and cleaned up in Adobe Photoshop then saved as JPGs. Most are from marriage records and WW I and II draft registration documents, some from letters in menu 06. Signatures provide insight into personalities, if you believe in handwriting analysis.
08 BMD Certificates 46BMD Certificates are reproduced in JPG format. A few are from my immediate family and were scanned, but most were sent as JPGs by Mark Milton in 2010 or Lesley Miller in 2011 (see letters menu). I include reproductions of certificates though publically available because they are so expensive to obtain from government sources, about $15.00 each in 2017 (just an opinion here: BMD certificates should be provided by government agencies free of charge as a public service --- fat chance of that happening).
09 Family Migrations 13Family Migration Maps are reproduced in PDF and JPG formats. The JPGs accessed by the menu pages are linked to family members or couples that moved from one state (county in England) to another. Maps are accompanied by Legends that describe family moves represented by lettered circles on the maps. The Sinnock foci of the maps are included also on the 02 People menu. Maps were constructed with Adobe Illustrator and saved in Illustrator editable PDF format available for download from this menu. The PDFs served as sources for the JPGs using Adobe Acrobat.
Unlinked Summaries
Menu Pages
10 Databases 3
11 Documents and Diagrams 9Six summary reports and three summary diagrams are reproduced only in PDF format:
  •       DOCUMENTS
  • Family History
  • Database Description and Data Analyses
  • Annotated Biblography
  • Sinnock Descendants from Eastbourne
  • Letters and other Family Communications
  • Ancestor Table-150 generations
  •        DIAGRAMS
  • Map of Births and Migrations, UK
  • Map of Births and Migrations, US
  • Ancestor Diagram-150 generations
The documents compiled in Microsoft Word were converted to PDF's by Adobe Acrobat. I recommend the first and second documents for general information. The last four are more for technical documentation than for casual reading. Bookmarks in PDF files mimic the Table of Contents for each document providing a means to navigate through the many pages.

The diagrams constructed in Adobe Illusrator were saved as layered PDF files; however layers can only be viewed on downloaded versions. Layers for the two maps are organized by time. Turning all layers 'off' then turning back 'on' birth layers one-by-one starting at the top (earliest) yields 'animations' of Sinnocks births. They other layers show migrations of Sinnock families that moved from one state (County in England) to another. The ancestor diagram is 6' x 7' so zooming is required to read the names. This diagram shows relations among people listed as ancestors in the last document above.
12 Downloadable Files 485This complex menu provides links to view or download all files from this site. It is organized from left to right by menu numbers and vertically by menu items. Icons represent different file types. Click names to view and icons to download files. Scroll the screen horizontally and vertically to reach all entries.

All JPG and PDF images from the first 11 menus are available here also for viewing and downloading. For menu 02-People, the homes, towns, and art images were removed and listed together in the 'Other' menu (see below) leaving only 'photos'. Several files are available here but nowhere else on this site. For menu 11-Summaries a section of 'Support Documents' links to MS Word and Adobe Illustrator files for greater editing capabilities as well as to their PDF versions. MS Word documents are recommended especially for files that include 'sortable' in the title. A set of 'Other' menus takes the place of this menu at the far right of the page. There six separate 'Other' menus (l-r): family homes (castles)*; family towns and churches*; family related artwork*; other castles (just for fun); coats-of-arms of various related families; and images of noble and royal ancestors.

* extracted from 02-People; 3 last menus list files not found elsewhere on this site